Exasperate - определение. Что такое Exasperate
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Что (кто) такое Exasperate - определение

(exasperates, exasperating, exasperated)
If someone or something exasperates you, they annoy you and make you feel frustrated or upset.
The sheer futility of it all exasperates her.
Mahoney clenched his fist in exasperation...
v. a.
Irritate, provoke, chafe, vex, nettle, incense, anger, affront, offend, enrage, make angry, aggravate.
Exacerbate, aggravate, inflame, render more violent.
v. (R) it exasperates me that they never keep their promises
Примеры произношения для Exasperate
1. apnea level you have and exasperates it,
Dave Shirazi _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Exasperate
1. "Famine can easily trigger and exasperate the spread of malaria," says Fabio Pompetti who heads Medecins sans Frontieres in Burundi.
2. And there‘s a new way to exasperate us: phone up a Chinese or pizza takeaway service and order a food delivery in my name.
3. He has done little to endear himself to his fellow government leaders since he started attending EU summits, and much to exasperate them.
4. Caravaggio himself was an emotional man, given to rages and eccentric behavior, and he managed to exasperate patrons even as demand for his work rose.
5. This intimidation, in which a small minority of extremists all death fetishists exasperate and persecute a larger community, has been tolerated for too long.